August 13, 2016

96 Percent of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Charitable’ Donations Went to Her Own ‘Slush Fund’

On Friday, Hillary Clinton released her 2015 tax returns and almost all of her “charitable” contributions are about as you’d expect from a member of the Clinton Crime Family.

Out of the politically greedy Clinton’s over $10 million in income for 2015, $1,042,000 was designated for charity. $1,000,000, or 96 percent of the total, was given to the Clinton Foundation, an organization so bathed in slime that the FBI recommended that the group be investigated for corruption, a request that Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch denied.

The Clinton Foundation is so shady that last year the nation’s most trusted charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of non-profits exhibiting troubling and suspicious activities.  More

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