September 12, 2014


On the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, President Obama gave a primetime speech about the growing ISIS terrorist threat and his plan to address it. The speech, predictably, left Americans scratching their heads at several points, unsure what kind of alternate reality our President is living in.

1. “ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents.” Since this day, 13 years ago, America began fighting a war against radical Islam. Radical Islam does not represent all of Islam, but it is Islamic. Denying that fact impairs our ability to understand our enemy, and making pronouncements such as this does not engender more positive feelings towards America by Muslims worldwide. Immediately after taking office President Obama gave a now famous speech in Cairo, which the White House deemed a “new beginning.” The year before taking office, Pew conducted its annual survey to gauge worldwide impressions of America abroad. In 2008, favorable ratings for America for those living in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, and Turkey were 22 percent, 19 percent, 19 percent and 12 percent respectively. In the most recent poll, the citizens of those same countries viewed America favorably 10 percent, 14 percent, 12 percent and 19 percent respectively. More

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