August 17, 2014

Woman's surgery delayed by ObamaCare

LaTrina Reed says the surgery she needs to correct a painful ovarian condition "is a matter of life or death," but she hasn't been able to get it because of errors in ObamaCare.

She’s missed countless days of work and is nearly bedridden because of the pain.

“I feel like I’m in labor all of the time,” Reed said.

The 49-year-old single mother says she hasn't stopped bleeding since February. She has nearly a dozen growths on her uterus and ovaries. And one twisted ovary, she says, gives her pains comparable to child birth. A hysterectomy and cyst removal would fix Reed's problems, but the surgery costs $30,000.

Until this month, Reed was listed as having no health insurance. But she has paid seven months’ worth of premiums to Nevada Health Link, the market place through which consumers buy subsidized insurance under the Affordable Care Act. More

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