July 8, 2014

Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, is a huge Obama donor and supporter - ordered all copies of D'Souza's books stripped from its store shelves

Costco recently ordered all copies of D'Souza's books, America: Imagine a World without Her, stripped from its store shelves, making sure its customers never have a chance to buy and read the book. Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, it turns out, is a huge Obama donor and supporter who even gave a speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

This despicable tactic of first stocking the book on Costco shelves and then suddenly removing it is particularly damaging to the publisher, and it categorizes the books as "returned" by the retailer. This obviously-calculated move is a tactic of financial disruption designed to interrupt the cash flow of both the publisher and the author. That Costco is engaged in this sort of punitive, low-blow political sleaze ball tactics is nothing short of astonishing. More

1 comment:

Jim Lennon said...

what the hell is a business leader supporting that lefty clueless president