March 6, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz slams AG Eric Holder’s defense of drone strikes against Americans

Under questioning by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder agreed that it would be “unconstitutional” to kill an American citizen on U.S. soil with a drone strike — absent an “imminent threat” like a 9/11-style attack or an enemy bombardment like Pearl Harbor.

Cruz refused to accept without question Holder’s assertion that any use of lethal force would not be “appropriate” given the high probability that a terrorism suspect could be captured by law enforcement personnel instead.

Cruz asked: “My question wasn’t about appropriateness or prosecutorial discretion, it was a simple legal question. Does the Constitution allow a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil who doesn’t pose an imminent threat to be killed by the U.S. government?”

Holder seemed frustrated by the question. “I do not believe… Given all the facts that you have given me, and this is a hypothetical, I would not think in that situation the use of drone– or lethal force, would be appropriate…”
Cruz cut him off. “Attorney General, I have to tell you I find it remarkable that in that hypothetical, which is deliberately very simple, you are able to give a simple, one word, one syllable answer: ‘No.’ More

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